Hapu Pit in Trash Pit

show us your trash!

Last night's Final Fantasy 7 Remake stream with @CROS was fantastic - let's see if we can beat the game today!

I have a lot of footage to edit for clips now - I'm getting excited!

Thanks for all who came by to view and chat - I hope to see you next time!


If I can't have my capture card, at least I can enjoy some elevator music


Stream Recap - Returnal (PS5)

Boss fight! I haven't fought many bosses in this game yet, but this one has been my favorite so far. Crazy music, super hectic, and an overwhelming amount of projectiles.


Stream Recap - Returnal (PS5)

Watch along and panic with my past-self while I go through one of the scarier parts of the stream.

That Returnal stream was really fun - thanks for everyone that came and watched! (and kept me company through the scary parts LOL)

We crushed my previous progress, saw new things, died to those same things (and others), and had a blast.

See you next time!

@CROS will never be able to surpass my Tetris skills, now that I have my Tetris-branded G FUEL

new name, who dis?


Welcome to the Trash Pit

mfw I'm amassing a collection of screenshots and videos to post

game: Final Fantasy 14